The universe is not so kind. Your existence is fickle. 

They say you don't have much game left. But can you beat this unfair game anyways?

(This game was made under 72 hours during the Ico Game Jam 2023)
(The game jam theme is 3...2..1. and the sub-theme was geometric shapes)

-- Controls --

A and D -> Move left and right
Space -> Jump
1, 2, 3 -> Switch between characters/blocks
F -> Fast forward time (Only when you turn into a block)

-- Gameplay --

The goal of the game is to reach the flag before the timer runs out. At first, that may seem impossible, but you have some time travel powers.  By switching into a block, you are able to give yourself a platform, to jump on for your next attempt. You may also be able to switch into a wall, to block turret shots. Take advantage of your past attempts to beat the game within the time!

-- Idea --

The idea that really came onto my head with the jam theme 3...2..1. was  what kind of different cheats can I give so that you can beat the game in 3 seconds? Also pair that geometric shapes theme.

Eventually, I settled on the idea of what if the game was a time loop, and you'd change the level with each try. Kind of like time travel basically.

In the end, I think I wished could have given this game a better execution. I ran out of time. I wanted to do a rewind system and had everything in-place for it, but it wasn't happening. Most importantly, I didn't get as many levels out to really explore the core idea.

But alas, I had fun and learnt a few important things here and there to do better.

-- Made by --

Me. Just me. 
It's a solo game jam :D

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